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Become the Boss of Your Money 

Unlock Your Financial Future and Reach Higher Levels of Success With Money.

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Your Path to Financial Freedom Starts Here

You Truly Are A Good Boss Of Your Money.

You Just Need a Little Help.


Are you tired of feeling lost when it comes to managing your money?

I understand the challenges you face, I faced them myself. 


Instead of feeling like your dollars are controlling you. I'm here to guide you towards becoming the boss of every dollar you earn. ​

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The Pro Money Boss Program is a new way to take control of your finances.


Easily manage your money using digital tools, join live classes, stay on budget, and get personalized coaching.


The Pro Money Boss Program Consist of 3-Parts for Members to Build Your Money Management Skills. 

LIVE Online Sessions


Enjoy monthly LIVE online sessions structured with financial education, money challenges, group budget check-ins, and Q&A. 

Budget & Bookkeeping Accountability


Easily keep track of your budget with your financial coach digitally using a secure personal money management dashboard, with budget planning tools. 

Money Mastery Resources


Deepen your PRO your money management skills 24/7, with online courses, financial topics pages, financial calculators, printable resources and other financial goodies available to all members. 

​​Not sure where to start??????​


Once you sign up you'll be guided to set up your account for online accountability budgeting with a partner (your financial coach).


What’s included in the membership? 

  • 24/7 Access to the Financial Coaching Platform

  • (Online Financial Education) LIVE Money Boss Class & Monthly Money Challenges w/ Q&A 

    • Financial Education & Activity - 1st  Sunday of the Month 

    • Budget Check-In Open - 3rd Sunday of the Month

  • ​(1) 45 Min 1-on-1 Budget Accountability Call Monthly (not included in the free-trial)

  • Access to Group Videos Archives

  • Monthly Budget Templates & Worksheets

  • Various Financial Calculators â€‹â€‹


The 50% offer expires on December 31, 2024. â€‹

In this Membership You Will Benefit From: 

Sign Up & Gain a Budget Accountability Partner

Let's Manage Our Money Like a Money Boss!

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Kayla Feagin MBA, CFEI

Nearly, everyone will have interactions with managing money in their lifetime. But, not everyone has wealth building money management skills. That's where I come in!


The Pro Money Boss Program is designed help you become the boss of your money by boosting your money confidence and transforming your regular money habits. 


Do you have burning questions before enrolling? 


Book a call and let's discuss any questions you have about the program. 


Let's Chat!

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Meet Your Money Boss Program Host

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